A Product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc.


2024 Press Releases

June 13, 2024

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest databases, Nominative Reports (English, Irish, and American), which bring together, for the first time ever, the most comprehensive collection of rare nominative reports available online from the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States. Together, these collections contain nearly three million pages of rare and hard-to-find reports.

image of old library with desk and lamp

June 6, 2024

HeinOnline is excited to partner with Dandy Booksellers to integrate their product, UK Parliamentary & Government Publications (Public Information Online), to bring comprehensive coverage of UK Parliamentary Papers into our fully indexed, browsable, and searchable interface.

photo of Big Ben and House of Parliament in London

March 7, 2024

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, West Academic Casebooks Archive, a collection of thousands of West Academic Casebooks, Hornbooks, and Nutshells that have been instrumental in shaping legal education and guiding legal research for decades.

stacks of bookshelves

March 4, 2024

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce a brand-new integration with Altmetric, a tool that follows online attention across news outlets, websites, blogs, social media, and more, tracking thousands of online conversations to uncover the societal impact of scholarly works.

image of a man on his phone in front of an open laptop

February 15, 2024

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of a brand-new feature: the ability to “like” and comment on journal articles within our Law Journal Library. This feature will allow researchers to ask questions, provide feedback, show appreciation, and engage in scholarly discourse all in one place.

image of two men looking at laptops

February 12, 2024

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments, a groundbreaking collection of more than 750 legal and political commitments between U.S. states and foreign governments, edited by Ryan Scoville, Professor of Law at Marquette University Law School.

an open book laying on an American flag

2023 Press Releases

September 22, 2023

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its revamped database, Judges and the Judiciary: Exploring America’s Court System (formerly known as Congress and the Courts).

September 22, 2023

William S. Hein & Co. Inc. promotes Skyler Wernecke to the position of Treasurer.

Skyler Wernecke

June 1, 2023

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, Voting Rights & Election Law.

image of women registering people to vote

April 27, 2023

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, Law Library of Congress Reports.

Library of Congress Reading Room

March 28, 2023

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, Military Legal Resources (U.S. Army JAG School).

Palace of Justice during the Nuremberg Trials

February 23, 2023

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, Labor and Employment: The American Worker.

workers picketing

2022 Press Releases

October 7, 2022

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., has recently received a KBART endorsement.

September 22, 2022

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, Water Rights & Resources.

Hoover Dam

June 29, 2022

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, LGBTQ+ Rights.

Pride parade

2021 Press Releases

August 20, 2021

HeinOnline, a product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., is pleased to announce the release of its newest database, Open Society Justice Initiative.


June 28, 2021

This Summer, William S. Hein & Co., Inc, releases its newest HeinOnline database, Military and Government


June 25, 2021

Kevin Marmion, CEO of William S. Hein & Co., Inc., to be Inducted into the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) Hall of Fame.

June 4, 2021

The American Association of Law Libraries Names three William S. Hein & Co., Inc. products to the 2021 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award.


2020 Press Releases

October 4, 2020

This fall, William S. Hein & Co., Inc. releases its newest HeinOnline database, Civil Rights and Social Justice. Free perpetual access is available to all institutions and organizations.


August 12, 2020

William S. Hein & Co., Inc. & HeinOnline announce the promotion of Chris Czopp as Director, Production & Publications, and the promotion of Noah Short to Senior Manager, Digital Production.

Customer Training Session