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U.S. Federal Content

In addition to providing access to scholarly journals, law reviews, case law, and international documents, HeinOnline is an essential resource for federal government documents. Find federal statutes, congressional documents, legislative histories, Supreme Court materials, and more with our expansive selection of databases that host federal content. 

Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS)

A collaboration with the Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) to bring hundreds of the agency’s impactful reports, recommendations, and other works—which have helped streamline federal government functioning—to a wider audience.

American Law Institute Library

A digital collection providing easy access to invaluable American Law Institute projects and documents that have influenced modern law and society.

Bremer-Kovacs Collection: Historic Documents Related to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946

A comprehensive database designed to make the history of the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA) more accessible and understandable.

Civil Rights and Social Justice

Study the expansion of civil rights in America through government publications, legislation, Supreme Court briefs, and more.

Code of Federal Regulations

Comprehensive digital coverage of the Code of Federal Regulations, the codification of the material published in the Federal Register.

COVID-19: Pandemics Past and Present

Analyze government response to COVID-19 and other pandemics, as well as their effect on public health, economics, society, and the world.

Early American Case Law

A robust collection containing coverage of historical cases from the late 1700s through the 1920s and spanning nearly 2 million pages.

Executive Privilege

Primary and secondary source material relating to executive privilege from all three branches of the U.S. government, as well as books and scholarly articles.

Federal Register Library

Comprehensive coverage of the Federal Register, beginning from inception (1936) and updated daily, as well as other executive documents.

GAO Reports and Comptroller General Decisions

Reports on audits, surveys, investigations, and evaluations of federal programs conducted by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO).

History of Bankruptcy

The third installment of HeinOnline's Taxation and Economic Reform in America archive, focusing on historical bankruptcy legislation and government documents.

History of Supreme Court Nominations

The definitive documented history of both successful and unsuccessful Supreme Court nominations through Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Immigration Law & Policy in the U.S.

Historical and current documents relating to immigration law and policy, including hearings, reports, decisions, and legislative histories.

Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

An expansive archive of materials relating to indigenous law, including hundreds of treaties, tribal codes, constitutions, and more.

Intellectual Property Law Collection

A wealth of intellectual property material, including legislative histories, treatises, documents, books, periodicals, and more.

John F. Kennedy Assassination Collection

A collection of all U.S. government documents relating to the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, including state and local law enforcement materials.

Judges and the Judiciary: Exploring America's Court System

A fully revamped collection compiling comprehensive resources that analyze the complex web of judiciary structures, composition, oversight, procedures, and actions within America's court system.

Labor and Employment: The American Worker

More than 10,000 titles that illuminate the history of labor conditions and employment law in the United States.

Law Library of Congress Reports

More than 3,500 reports from the Law Library of Congress on foreign, comparative, and international law—all in one easy-to-navigate collection.

LGBTQ+ Rights

A collection of materials and interactive timeline relating to the gay rights movement in America, from 1950 until present day.

Military and Government

Thousands of diverse publications related to the history, glory, might, and daily nitty-gritty of administrating America’s fighting forces.

Military Legal Resources (U.S. Army JAG School)

An exhaustive collection created in collaboration with the William Winthrop Memorial Library of the U.S. Army JAG School.

Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases

Comprehensive expert analysis of all cases granted certiorari before the Supreme Court prior to the arguments.

Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions

A unique resource containing the most current list of publications created by presidential advisory bodies (commissions, committees, tasks forces, and others).

Standard Federal Tax Reporter

A comprehensive collection of federal income tax information, dating back to inception (through 1985).

Tax Foundation Archive Publications

Access to the complete archive of the Tax Foundation's publications from 1937 to date, containing information on taxation, fiscal policy, finance, and more.

Taxation & Economic Reform in America

A digital historical archive bringing more than 300 years of American taxation and economic legislation to HeinOnline's intuitive, fully searchable format.

United States Code

A single source for the entire archive (and current material) of the U.S. Code, the codification of the general and permanent laws of the United States.

U.S. Congressional Documents

The complete Congressional Record bound volume set from its inception, plus its three predecessor titles, congressional hearings, and more.

U.S. Congressional Serial Set

The official historical record of the U.S. government, consisting of two centuries of documents spanning more than 17,000 volumes.

U.S. Federal Agency Documents, Decisions, and Appeals

A complete collection of the official case law (known as decision law) of some of the most important government institutions in the United States.

U.S. International

Current and historical content relating to U.S. international trade, including USITC publications, legislative histories, scholarly articles, and much more.

U.S. Presidential Impeachment Library

A variety of documents that are both contemporaneous as well as asynchronous with the four U.S. presidents affected by the impeachment process.

U.S. Presidential Library

A primary source for locating presidential documents, including speeches, messages, papers, select hearings, reports, and more.

U.S. Federal Legislative History Library

The richest collection of compiled federal legislative histories available, with thousands of titles from a variety of sources.

U.S. Statutes at Large

The official source for every law (public and private) ever enacted by Congress in digital format, as well as pre-1948 treaties and international agreements.

U.S. Supreme Court Library

Complete coverage of the official U.S. Reports, providing access to all U.S. Supreme Court cases, as well as slip opinions and preliminary prints.

Voting Rights & Election Law

A collection of thousands of subject-coded titles that illustrate the nuances and complexities of elections and voting systems both in America and across the globe.

Water Rights & Resources

A highly editorialized and affordable database for understanding state & federal laws governing water.

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