Journals and Periodicals
HeinOnline provides access to more than 3,300 multidisciplinary scholarly journals, all dating back to inception and with most including coverage to date with no delay. About 40% of these publications are published outside of the United States, and many are published in a language other than English. In addition to hosting many academic journals, we partner with several publishers to provide commercial content, as well.
Browse the HeinOnline databases specifically dedicated to hosting journals and periodicals below.
Law Journal Library
ABA Law Library Collection Periodicals
Art Antiquity and Law
Bar Journals Library
Brill Nijhoff Journal & Yearbook Collection
Buddhism Law & Society
Current Index to Legal Periodicals
Edward Elgar Publishing Law Package
Hackney Publications
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
Kluwer Law International Journal Library
Paris Legal Publishers Package
Preview of U.S. Supreme Court Cases
Sage Journals
Nearly 60 current content journals from the world's fifth-largest journal publisher, Sage, all in a fully searchable format.
Hein's Current Content Online Subscription Model
All of the 3,300+ journals in HeinOnline date back to inception, and 90% include coverage to the current issue or volume with no delay. In addition to hosting many academic journals, we also partner with several publishers to provide commercial content. Due to publishing agreements, a small percentage of journals include an embargo on current volumes. That’s why HeinOnline has partnered with major publishers to offer unlocked content packages for journals that have an embargo on recent issues.