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NEW Citation Format: McGill Guide!


Have you heard about the latest citation format addition to the Law Journal Library? Users can now access the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation, otherwise known as the McGill Guide! We’d like to thank Vicki Leung from the University of Windsor for suggesting this idea. As you can see, this was exciting news for our Canadian friends!

Screenshot of tweet from Bora Laskin Library about McGill Guide citations on HeinOnline

How To Locate The McGill Guide Citation

Let’s begin by constructing a search in the Law Journal LibraryBrowse by Country and choose Canada from the list of countries. Using the search bar located above the Canadian journals, enter “trial scientific evidence”~20 and click the search button. This proximity search locates articles from these journals which have the words trial, scientific, and evidence within 20 words of each other.

Screenshot of proximity search within Law Journal Library on HeinOnline

From the results, choose the first entry, Canadian Trial Lawyers’ Understanding of Scientific Evidence concerning the Fallibility of Eyewitness TestimonyNext, click the Cite button located above the table of contents.

Screenshot highlighting of Cite button available above table of contents for an article

The Cite button will provide a variety of citation formats, including the McGill Guide. Users have the ability to export journal citations to Refworks, to Endnote, or as a Text File from the cite button in HeinOnline.

Screenshot of citation formats, including McGill Guide

NOTE: The McGill Guide citation is not limited to Canadian journals.

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Screenshot of Feedback option under Help dropdown on HeinOnline

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