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HeinOnline Has Integrated with ORCID!


Do you ever feel as though you aren’t receiving the credit and recognition you deserve for your scholarly work? Are you eager to collaborate across subjects and international borders, but aren’t sure how to contact peers in your field? Is entering your personal research data across multiple information systems getting old? If only there were a way to identify yourself as a researcher without the potential for misattributions, misspellings, and other errors …

Look no further! To make your author experience easier, HeinOnline has integrated with ORCID, a registry of unique identifiers (called ORCID iDs) for researchers and scholars. Registering for an ORCID iD is free, and will ensure that you receive accurate attribution for your contributions to the legal field.

Wait, it gets better! Connecting your ORCID iD to HeinOnline allows you to display your unique research identifier on your HeinOnline author profile page, and also display your HeinOnline works on your ORCID record.

Follow the link below for the full press release describing this new integration. Keep reading to learn more about how this new integration will benefit you.


What Is ORCID?

ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor Identifier) provides unique, persistent identifiers (ORCID iDs) for individuals to distinguish between researchers and connect them with their works, contributions, and organizational affiliations. While several author identifier initiatives exist, all are limited to a particular organization, discipline, or geographic region, or are closed commercial systems. To overcome these barriers, ORCID has been designed for the benefit of individual researchers and the wider enterprise of which you are part.

Benefits of Registering for an ORCID iD

  • Registration for an ORCID iD and maintenance of your ORCID record is simple and absolutely free.
  • Your ORCID iD is unique and persistent, identifying you as a researcher and eliminating any name ambiguities. Think of it as a Social Security Number, but just for researchers.
  • With ORCID, you own your research record. You alone control what is displayed publicly versus what is only shared with trusted partners, as well as who those partners are.
  • ORCID is interoperable with multiple systems and institutions, allowing you to link with other identifier systems and exchange data with research information systems, including those of funders and publishers.

Benefits of ORCID Integration in HeinOnline

  • Showcase your ORCID iD on your HeinOnline author profile page to link out to your personal ORCID record.
  • Send all of your works in HeinOnline to display on your ORCID record.
  • Receive accurate attribution for your research contributions, particularly as U.S. News and World Report prepares to rank U.S. law schools based on scholarly impact, using citation data from HeinOnline. Linking a HeinOnline author profile page to an ORCID account will aid law scholars and their affiliated institutions in receiving accurate attribution for their contributions to the field, and also allows authors to display HeinOnline works on their ORCID profile.

See a properly aligned ORCID iD displayed on a HeinOnline profile below.

Screenshot of Bonnie Shucha's author profile page in HeinOnline

See a properly aligned ORCID profile displaying an author’s works from HeinOnline.

Screenshot of Bonnie Shucha's ORCID profile

How Do I Get in on the Action?

Ready to make the most of this new and exciting integration? We can’t wait to help you get started! Whether you’ve already registered for an ORCID iD in the past or are new to the process entirely, we’ve prepared easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions for you.

Click the button that best describes you to begin.

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