Are you interested in Canada’s universal health care system? Maybe you want to research the Keystone XL Pipeline. Or perhaps you want to learn about legalization of marijuana across Canada. HeinOnline’s diverse databases provide users with a base of content to meet their research needs with content from world treaties to constitutions, scholarly articles to statutes! In today’s blog, we’ll explore where users can locate important Canadian content.
Canadian Databases
1. Acts of the Parliament of Canada
With this digital collection, users can access all historical and current Acts of the Parliaments of Canada in a fully-searchable format. Use the Session Laws Quick Locator Tool to easily retrieve a chapter or page from a specific volume.
2. Revised Statutes of Canada
With this database, users can access all six revisions of the Statues of Canada including:
- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906
- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1927
- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1952
- Revised Statutes of Canada 1970
- Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985
Included are both English and French translations.
3. Canada Supreme Court Reports
HeinOnline’s Canada Supreme Court Reports contains the official bilingual series published under authority of the Supreme Court Act. Three or four volumes are published annually, each consisting of four to six parts issued periodically, and containing indexes and a table of cases cited. All written and oral judgments and reasons for judgment are printed in their entirety along with a summary of the reasons. This collection includes nearly 10,000 cases which include background information, statutes and regulations, authors cited, analysis and the decision. Canada Supreme Court Reports is a primary source for the key decisions of Canada’s highest court. Other related works are also included in this database.
4. Provincial Statutes of Canada
HeinOnline’s Provincial Statutes of Canada is composed of more than 100 titles and more than 1.2 million pages. The database contains the provincial statutes for all ten Canadian provinces as well as public and private acts passed by Canadian provincial governments.
Current, revised, and historical coverage is available for the following provinces:
- Alberta
- British Columbia
- Manitoba
- New Brunswick
- Nova Scotia
- Ontario
- Quebec
- Yukon Territory
Historical and revised coverage is available for the following provinces:
- Northwest Territories
- Newfoundland and Labrador
- Prince Edward Island
- Saskatchewan
View the content available by either selecting a province from the browse options at the top of the database homepage or from the map view.
Other Relatable Databases
While HeinOnline contains dedicated Canadian databases, we also offer other databases that can be used to research Canadian content.
In the Law Journal Library, users can view only Canadian published journals or use the Location facet to see only results that specifically relate to Canada.
Other databases that contain international coverage include Foreign & International Law Resources Database, Foreign Relations of the United States, History of International Law, Legal Classics, United Nations Law Collection, U.S. International Trade, U.S Treaties and Agreements, and World Constitutions Illustrated.
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