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Search Results for: gun regulation

American flag

NEW DATABASE: Gun Regulation and Legislation in America

In the wake of several of the deadliest mass shootings in U.S. history and following the 19th anniversary of the massacre at Columbine, HeinOnline is offering Gun Regulation and Legislation in America free of charge to all U.S. Core subscribers, academics, and other institutional libraries.

gun with bullets

When Kids Shoot Guns

Most people agree that guns should not be in the hands of unsupervised children. However, each year in the United States, children access firearms and accidentally—or purposefully—hurt themselves or others.

Hunter in the woods

Where the Wild Things Are: Hunting Regulations

Using HeinOnline, let’s point and flush out some of the laws that both regulate and preserve a hunter’s wild heritage in the United States and the history behind this ancient tradition.

Hands holding a gun

Deadly Shootings and Gun Laws

In the first seven weeks of 2018, there have been several school shootings in the United States. With the latest school shootings, and other mass shootings, there has been on ongoing debate circling gun laws. Let’s take a look at what has been happening and what laws are currently in place.

image of person researching on a laptop

The Easiest Resource for Comparing Hot Topic Laws by State

Debates about gun regulation, abortion, and voting rights have been the center of news outlets due to recent mass shootings and Supreme Court rulings. To help users better understand these timely topics, HeinOnline offers National Survey of State Laws.

Two paper hearts, ripped in half.

Love Will Tear Us Apart: 5 Criminal Couples

It’s a tainted love indeed for these five criminal couples. This list explores couples who have committed crimes together or taken advantage of the lovesick for their own nefarious means.

image of computer displaying a Williams Institute document

Williams Institute Subcollection Added to LGBTQ+ Rights

We have added a brand-new subcollection of content from the Williams Institute to the LGBTQ+ Rights database, part of HeinOnline’s perpetually free Social Justice Suite. Users can access titles from UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute.
