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Laptop with notebook, coffee, and flowers

Organize Your Research With HeinOnline and PowerNotes

Using HeinOnline and PowerNotes together is an excellent way to maximize research time and develop a well-planned outline for papers, blog posts, and even shopping excursions. Follow these steps to get started.

Bomb explosion

North Korea and the Nuclear Crisis

North Korea recently made threats about a possible nuclear war, claiming that they have successfully built an intercontinental ballistic missile. While this is considered current news, history proves this conflict is nothing new. Let’s dive in and explore the history and current conflict.

Side view of the White House

Presidential Pardoning Power

Recently, the Law Librarian Blog posted this short piece on whether or not a president can pardon himself. If a researcher would like to dig a bit deeper into this complicated topic, HeinOnline has a new beta tool which provides users with the ability to quickly and easily retrieve similar articles.

The White House at night

The Watergate Scandal: Part I

Although the Watergate scandal happened in the early 1970s, it’s been in the news recently. Most people associate Watergate with President Richard M. Nixon’s eventual resignation, but what happened leading up to that? Join us as we dive into the Watergate scandal.

image of barbed wire fence

New in HeinOnline: History of Capital Punishment

It’s easily one of the most controversial and heavily debated issues in history, and HeinOnline has created a resource packed with information on capital punishment, providing researchers with a comprehensive overview of the history of death penalty legislation.

Refugee camp with kids

The Refugee Crisis: Exploring U.S. Resettlement

The world has faced multiple refugee crises, defined as movements of large groups of displaced people. Today, more than 60 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced from their home countries due to political upheaval, violence, religious persecution, and a myriad of other reasons.

photo of Alaska landscape

“Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox”: The Alaska Purchase

March 30, 2017 marked the 150th anniversary of the sale of the Alaska territory from Russia to the United States. Alaska was approved by Congress for statehood on July 7, 1958 through the Alaska Statehood Act (72 Stat. 339). It was proclaimed the 49th state on January 3,1959 by President Eisenhower.

Mount Rushmore

NEW: Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies

HeinOnline is pleased to announce the release of a brand new print and online product. Reports of U.S. Presidential Commissions and Other Advisory Bodies. This unique resource containing the most current and extensive listing of publications created by presidential advisory bodies.


HeinOnline: Where Books Rule

One component of HeinOnline that doesn’t receive as much attention is its impressive collection of books. It’s National Library Week and there’s nothing better than a good book, so be sure to take a closer look at the books available with your subscription.
