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North America on a globe

NAFTA: Reviewed, Revised, Renamed

Changes are on the rise for the nearly 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the United States, Mexico, and Canada. These three countries met and negotiated a last-minute agreement, which revised and could ultimately replace, NAFTA.

Picture of United Nations

Celebrating United Nations Day

October 24, 2017 is United Nations Day. This day celebrates the anniversary of when the United Nations was established in 1945 as an intergovernmental organization whose main objective is to create and maintain international order.

Globe being held by hands

The History of Foreign Relations of the United States

The Foreign Relations of the United States series, originally published by the GPO, presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Join us in the blog as we explore the content held in this collection.

Statute of Liberty in sunset

Research Immigration Policy in HeinOnline

Immigration has historically been a polarizing issue, arguably never more so than in today’s political climate. The purpose of this post is to provide a quick tutorial on major aspects of immigration law and highlighting points which have received intense recent media coverage.

Bomb explosion

North Korea and the Nuclear Crisis

North Korea recently made threats about a possible nuclear war, claiming that they have successfully built an intercontinental ballistic missile. While this is considered current news, history proves this conflict is nothing new. Let’s dive in and explore the history and current conflict.

Refugee camp with kids

The Refugee Crisis: Exploring U.S. Resettlement

The world has faced multiple refugee crises, defined as movements of large groups of displaced people. Today, more than 60 million people worldwide have been forcibly displaced from their home countries due to political upheaval, violence, religious persecution, and a myriad of other reasons.

photo of Alaska landscape

“Seward’s Folly” or “Seward’s Icebox”: The Alaska Purchase

March 30, 2017 marked the 150th anniversary of the sale of the Alaska territory from Russia to the United States. Alaska was approved by Congress for statehood on July 7, 1958 through the Alaska Statehood Act (72 Stat. 339). It was proclaimed the 49th state on January 3,1959 by President Eisenhower.