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Tag: current events

Bomb explosion

North Korea and the Nuclear Crisis

North Korea recently made threats about a possible nuclear war, claiming that they have successfully built an intercontinental ballistic missile. While this is considered current news, history proves this conflict is nothing new. Let’s dive in and explore the history and current conflict.

Side view of the White House

Presidential Pardoning Power

Recently, the Law Librarian Blog posted this short piece on whether or not a president can pardon himself. If a researcher would like to dig a bit deeper into this complicated topic, HeinOnline has a new beta tool which provides users with the ability to quickly and easily retrieve similar articles.

Image of Computer and Notebook

Fact-Check to Avoid Spreading Fake News

Fake news is still a real concern in American society, except its current iteration has different intentions: making money and political influence. Fake news is not a new problem.