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Tag: u.s. supreme court library


Film Censorship and the Hays Code

In the United States, films were not protected as free speech until halfway through the twentieth century, and were subject to legal censorship in dozens of states and municipalities. For much of this time, the film industry engaged in its own film censorship regime, known as the Hays Code.

Hands typing on laptop with blue overlay

Tip of the Week: How to Locate a Slip Opinion

Did you know HeinOnline is your go-to resource for everything Supreme Court-related? From exploring the history of nominations to diving into U.S. Reports and expert analyses on upcoming cases, we’ve got it covered. You can also access slip opinions!

The Trials of Muhammad Ali

On April 28, 1967, in the midst of the United States’ escalating war in Vietnam, Muhammad Ali, the most famous boxer in the country, refused to be drafted into the army.

U.S. Supreme Court building

5 Court Cases Involving Indigenous Rights in U.S. History

Various court cases in U.S. history have revolved around the rights that Indigenous peoples do and do not have, and the jurisdiction that state and federal governments have over native peoples and their land.

Wounded Knee and the American Indian Movement

In February 1973, Indigenous activists arrived in the town of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, site of the massacre in 1890, kicking off a months-long standoff with federal troops.

Painting by John Trumbull titled Declaration of Independence

The History of the Independence Day Holiday

The Fourth of July commemorates colonial America’s declared independence from Great Britain. But, do you know how the Independence Day came to be a national holiday, and why it is held on July 4th?

photo of the scales of justice

5 Women Who Broke Legal Ground

The legal field was dominated by men until well into the 20th century. In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re taking the opportunity to dive into HeinOnline and spotlight five women who broke down barriers and became trailblazers for women in law.