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Butler, William E.; Enviromental Protection Agency; Johnson, Franklin

Item #: 1000260
Published: Clark; Talbot Publishing; Reprinted in 2013.

A previously overlooked and unpublished contemporarytranslation by Peter S. Du Ponceau of the classic treatiseby Joseph-Mathias Gerard de Rayneval, De la liberte des mersParis, 1811), edited with an extensive introduction by Wm.E. Butler. Successor two centuries later to Grotius' classicwritings on the freedom of the seas, applicable to navalwarefare, privateers, the law of prize, the deep seabed andhigh seas, neutrality, and international straits from aFrench perspective deeply sympathic to American views of thetime. Rayneval cherished the hope that Napoleon might beinspired by the work to draft a code of maritime law. Thistreatise infomed negotiations that led to the 1856Declaration of Paris and was widely cited by continentaljurists during the 19th century. Reprinted by TalbotPublishing. Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

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