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United States-Mexico-Canada Implementation Act: A Legislative History of Public Law No. 116-113

Manz, William H.

Item #: 1006929

ISBN: 978-0-8377-4132-1
Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2020.


The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act was passed by large congressional majorities in January 2020, but only after lengthy negotiations between the Trump Administration and the House Democrats. It cleared the way for the United States to join the new USMCA, which replaced the often-controversial, 25-year-old, trillion dollar NAFTA. In addition to its implementation provisions, the Act contains labor, environmental, and pharmaceutical provisions demanded by the Democrats. Other provisions deal with agriculture, digital trade, and dispute settlement.     

This compilation includes the enrolled version of the enabling act, earlier bill versions, three related bills, presidential statements, congres­sional debates, and the committee report on the bill. Also included are hearings on NAFTA, house documents on the USMCA, a Congressional Budget Office report, and related Congressional Research Service reports.

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