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Item #: 63644

Pages: 364 pp.
Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; Reprinted in 2007.

Baty provides a thorough review of international incidentsthroughout nineteenth century Europe, the Near East and theAmericas relating to arbitration, penetration,territorialism and similar subjects. He concludes thatinternational law manifested in agreements among nationswould be supplanted by a less rigid system governed bycontracts. This will happen, he reasons, due to the greatereconomic interdependence of nations brought about byglobalization. Anticipating the effects of 21st-centuryglobalism. Baty concludes by outlining the ways thisinterdependence will occur, and some of its potentialdangers.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

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