A Product of William S. Hein & Co., Inc.
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Item #: 66281

Pages: viii, 505 pp.
Published: OE; J.B. Lippinott & Co.; Reprinted in 2008.


Reprint of the first edition in English, and the standardtranslation today. Fichte was one of the leading GermanIdealist philosophers in the period between Kant and Hegel.Indeed, his work is seen as a link between Kant's CriticalPhilosophy and Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit. The Science ofRights, a restatement of Kantian principles in terms ofnatural law, is his principal legal work. For Fichte, thebasis of law are legal relations that illuminate theprinciples of positive law. "His theory of law is highlyabstract, but in the notion of legal relations and in hisconception of the necessary requirement of an internationalorder, he enunciated ideas of great value". Walker, TheOxford Companion to Law 468. British Museum Catalogue(Compact Edition) 9:226. Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange,Ltd. Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

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