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Item #: 69825

Pages: xii, 233 pp.
Published: OE; Quaritch; Reprinted in 2005.

Athens was the dominant maritime power in the West from the18th to 4th centuries BCE. Athenian preeminence insured thatits maritime law was accepted throughout the Mediterraneanworld. Indeed, its influence outlasted Athens and is theonly area of classical Greek law that wasn't replacedentirely by Roman models. Codified during the Roman periodin the Rhodian Sea Laws, it went on to influence thesubsequent development of European commercial and maritimelaw. Using both ancient and secondary sources, Cohenexplores the development of Athenian maritime law, thejurisdiction and procedure of the courts and the Athenianprinciples that have endured to the present day.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.

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