GLOBAL TRADE AND INTERNATIONAL LAWMalawer, Stuart S.Item #: 1000044 Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2012. Subjects: FOREIGN POLICY, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS/ECONOMICS, INTERNATIONAL LAW, TRADE REGULATION This compilation contains selected articles that the authorhas written over the last 45 years on the legal, political,and policy aspects of international law, foreign policy,international relations, and global trade. It concludes witha number of recent blog posts written from 2011-2012 ontrade issues such as money laundering, resource nationalism,global taxation, foreign corruption, ASEAN, currency wars,and cyber espionage. The articles cover the historicaldevelopments in the United States and global systems fromthe fall of the Berlin Wall and Soviet Union to 9/11 andglobal terrorism, and reflect the changing emphasis in thelarger society from broader political questions to theeconomic and security issues of this decade. They also showthat many of the issues faced today are remarkably similarto those confronted more than four decades ago.