GUIDE TO DC LEGAL HISTORY AND SOURCES IN THE HOME RULE ERA (1976-PRESENT)Anglim, ChristopherItem #: 1000258 Printed: 2014. Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY, LOCAL/MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT Among jurisdictions in the U.S., the government of theDistrict of Columbia is one of the most unusual and leastunderstood. This bibliography lists published andunpublished records documenting landmark events involvingthe District during the Home Rule era. It covers majorsources such as the federal constitutional provision underwhich Congress has exercised its authority over D.C. Itannotates primiary legal sources such as statues, cases,regulations; legislative history material documentinglegislative intent; legal treaties and law review articlesproviding commentary on relevant legal topics; newsarticles and non-legal monographs that document events oflegal significance; and relevant archival collections. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |