GEORGE MASON JOURNAL OF INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LAWItem #: 1005043 ISSN: 2164-0203 The George Mason Journal of International Commercial Law (JICL) is a legal periodical founded in 2008 to further the study of international commercial law while providing international scholars and practitioners a forum to exchange, develop, and publish innovative ideas. The Journal publishes scholarly, concise, and practical material from leading scholars and practitioners to provide a source of authority and analysis for the advancement of uniformity in the law underlying international commerce. Published by a select group of student editors at the George Mason University School of Law in Arlington, Virginia, JICL is uniquely dedicated to the legal issues affecting international commerce. This area of the law encompasses issues such as international sales and trade, anti-dumping measures, money-laundering, anti-terrorism measures, international privacy laws and consumer protection, international bribery, intellectual property and copyright law, international and government contracts, and much more. With the onset of globalization and the international nature of commercial transactions, complex issues arise that require thought and development. JICL is positioned to be at the forefront of these developments, tackling these issues and pioneering the discourse. More than just a journal, JICL is determined to be an outlet for scholarship and commercial thought. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |