AVIATION LAW: CASES AND PROBLEMSDavis, Wendy B.Item #: 1040 Pages: xiv,425p. Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2004. Subjects: AERONAUTICS/SPACE LAW, LEGAL EDUCATION Sample Content This is a legal case book intended for a law school electiveclass offered to second and third year law students. Asecondary audience would be military schools, such as theU.S. Air Force Academy, which includes legal courses forpilots. Another audience would be paralegal schools. Thechapters deal with such issues as the authority of theFederal Aviation Administration, Aircraft AccidentInvestigation and Land Use issues surrounding airports.Each chapter includes redactions of several cases, witheach case illustrating a point of law related to the chaptertopic. Statutes and regulations are reprinted whereappropriate. Each case is followed by notes which includequestions to enlarge the students' knowledge of the topic,with citations to cases for further reading. ComplimentaryTeacher's Manual avail for qty orders by professors/law sch.