OUR TWO CENTURIES OF LAW AND LIFE 1775-1975: THE WORK OF THE SUPREME COURT AND THE IMPACT OF BOTH CONGRESS AND PRESIDENTSAntieau, Chester JamesItem #: 10762 Pages: vii,192p. Published: Buffalo; Fred B. Rothman & Co.; Subjects: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION Antieau opens by discussing the events that took place atthe Constitutional Congresses and the ConstitutionalConvention in Philadelphia. He then proceeds to examine theissues faced by the founding fathers from 1775-1800,including the problems with slavery and the decision toinclude a Bill of Rights in the Constitution. In thechapters that follow, Antieau divides American history intoeight, 25-year periods beginning with 1775-1800 andconcluding with 1950-1975. These chapters describe themajor changes experienced by the federal government duringeach time period, covering Amendments to the Constitution,significant Supreme Court decisions, Presidential andCongressional actions, and the changing nation. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |