POLITICS, TRIALS AND ERRORSHankey, The Right Hon, LordItem #: 11168 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; Subjects: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, INTERNATIONAL LAW, POLITICAL SCIENCE, UNITED KINGDOM Lord Hankey served as secretary of the British cabinetduring the Second World War. This allowed him the rareopportunity to observe crucial events at the highestpolitical levels, which he describes in this volume. Hankeyopposes the Allied policy of unconditional surrender anddesire to hold war crime trials, goals that were announcedduring the middle years of the war. He takes the positionthat the former encouraged the Axis to take desperatemeasures to prolong the war, a policy that led to needlessdestruction and death, and dismisses the latter as emptypropaganda that did nothing for the victims and impeded thepeace process.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |