PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW, AND THE RETROSPECTIVE OPERATION OF STATUTES: A TREATISE ON THE CONFLICT OF LAWS, AND THE LIMITS OF THEIR OPERATION IN RESPECT TO ...Savigny, Friedrich Karl von; Guthrie, WilliamItem #: 11375 Pages: xii,567p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2003. Subjects: COMPARATIVE LAW, INTERNATIONAL LAW, ROMAN LAW Reprint of the second revised edition. Includes an appendixcontaining a biography of the author and an index of Englishand Scottish cases. Published in eight volumes between1840-1849, it is a study of contemporary legal systems basedon Roman law. Private International Law is the eighthvolume of this work. As the translator observes, thisvolume is valuable because it "deals with a subject of greatpractical importance, as to which the opinions of foreignjurists have always been respected in the British courts.Not only has the eighth volume itself been cited as anauthority in our tribunals, but English writers haveborrowed and enforced its doctrines with more or lessexactness of reproduction" (Introduction 9.)Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |