RECUEIL DES DECISIONS DES TRIBUNAUX ARBITRAUX MIXTES INSTITUES PAR LES TRAITES DE PAIXGidel, Gilbert CharlesItem #: 11756 Published: Paris; Librarie de la Societe du recueil Sirey; 1922. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, INTERNATIONAL LAW Sample Content This is a reprint of the French language edition. "TheCollection of Decisions of Mixed Arbitral Tribunals.responds to a genuine need, not only because of the interestthat it will generate for jurists interested in internation-al law, but also for litigants who will find in this publi-cation elements of international jurisprudence that are ab-solutely new."- Charles Alphand, Introduction to Tome I.Thisset includes rules, decisions, notes and tables of import. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |