BENCH AND BAR OF LITCHFIELD COUNTY, CONNECTICUT 1709-1909 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF MEMBERS. HISTORY AND CATALOGUE OF THE LITCHFIELD LAW SCHOOLKilbourn, DwightItem #: 1182 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2002. Subjects: BIOGRAPHY/WRITINGS ON LEGAL MINDS, LEGAL PROFESSION, STATE LAW Litchfield Law School, the first American law school, wasfounded by Tapping Reeve in 1782. The work is composed ofmaterials relevant to the school and related personages, andcontains historical notes, biographies, photographs,accounts of important trials and the following reprints:Litchfield County: Historical Address Delivered atLitchfield, Conn., On the Occasion of the CentennialCelebration, 1851, by Samuel Church; Sketches of the EarlyLights of the Litchfield Bar by David S. Boardman (1860);Fifty Years at the Litchfield County Bar by Charles F.Sedgwick (1870; and Reminiscences of the Litchfield CountyBar, Delivered at the Centennial Banquet, November 18, 1898,by Donald J. Warner.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |