BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EARLY AMERICAN LAW (BEAL)Cohen, Morris L.Item #: 1227 ISBN: 9781575882338 Pages: 7v. Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 1998. Subjects: BIBLIOGRAPHY, LEGAL HISTORY Popularly known as BEAL, the original 6 volumes published in 1998 and the 2003 supplement represent the culmination of an entire career of research for renowned lecturer and Professor Emeritus at Yale Law School, Morris L. Cohen. This set covers the period from the beginnings of American history up to and including 1860. It lists the monographic and trial literature on American law and legal development, regardless of language or place of publication. It also includes works on foreign, comparative, and international law if published in the United States. There are more than 15,000 items listed in this set, including: treatises, bibliographies, commentaries, digests, lectures, polemics, biographies, trials (both civil and criminal), and numerous other documents of importance to this period. The entries are divided into four major sections: Monographs, Civil Trials, Criminal Trials, and Special Proceedings. Eight indexes are included for multiple points of access to the set. The CD-ROM (powered by FOLIO) gives even greater searching capabilities to the set. Contents: Vol. 1. Monographs, no. 1000-4599 (xxiv + 1068p.) -- v. 2. Monographs, no. 4600-7948 (xviii + 1033p.) -- v. 3. Monographs, no. 7949-11124 (xviii + 931p.) -- v. 4. Civil trials, no. 11125-12098; criminal trials, no. 12099-14195 (xviii + 1003p.) -- v. 5. Special proceedings, no. 14196-15039; jurisdiction & parties, place & publisher, Chronological, and language indexes (xviii + 1044p.) -- v. 6. Author, title, and subject indexes ; cumulative table of contents (xviii + 729p.) -- 2003 Supplement. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |