BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE CONSTITUTION AND LAWS OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY JOHN R. SWANTONSwanton, John R.Item #: 1237 Pages: xxi,124p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2003. Subjects: CONSTITUTIONAL LAW, COMPARATIVE LAW, NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN LAW A thorough descriptive list of 225 printed constitutions,statutes, session acts and resolutions passed by properlyauthorized bodies of the Cherokee Nation, Chickasaw Nation,Choctaw Nation, Creek (or Muskogee Nation), IndianTerritory, Nez Perce tribe, Omaha Tribe, Osage Nation,Ottawa Tribe, Sac and Fox Nation, Seminole Nation, SenecaNation, State of Sequoyah, Stockbridge and Munsee Tribe andthe Winnebago Tribe. Each chapter begins with a briefhistory of the tribe or nation and each entry contains use-ful biographical, historical and bibliographical notes. Theauthor observes that many of these items have not been"recorded in any connection, and the scant biographicalinformation about the others are widely scattered and..."Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |