ACTS OF THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF ENGLAND COLONIAL SERIESGrant, W.L.; Munro, James; Fitzroy, AlmericItem #: 127 Pages: 6v. Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co. Inc.; 2004. Subjects: LEGAL HISTORY, UNITED KINGDOM This set is the sole source for locating appeals from theAmerican colonial courts to the Privy Council of Englandfrom the period 1613-1783.Editors, v. I-III: W.L. Grant; James Munro; and Sir AlmericW. Fitzroy.Editors, v. IV-VI: James Munro and Sir Almeric W. FitzroyThis reprint edition contains a new introduction byMorris Cohen. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |