STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL, ECONOMIC AND TECHNOLOGY LAWItem #: 13048 Printed: British Institute of International and C; Subjects: BUSINESS/ECONOMICS, INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS/ECONOMICS, INTERNATIONAL LAW, INVESTMENTS Title varies: v. 1-5 (1996-2001) as Yearbook of Interna-tional Financial and Economic Law.This Studies Series is a refereed publication producedjointly by the British Institute of Intl and Comparative Lawand the Southern Methodist Univ. Dedman School of LawNone published 2002 & 2006.v. 6: (2003-2004) Global Financial Sector Developmentv. 7: (2004-2005) Corporate Governance Post-ENRONv. 8: (2007) Law, Culture and Economic DevelopmentThis Studies Series is a refereed, annual publicationproduced jointly by the British Institute of Internationaland Comparative Law and the Southern Methodist UniversityDedman School of Law and its Institute of InternationalFinance, Commercial and Technology Law in cooperation withthe London Forum for International Economic Law andDevelopment, the Asian Institute of International Finance(AIIFL), University of Hong Kong and the Mandela Institute,Wits University, Johannesburg.The Study Series addresses selective legal, financial andeconomic issues in the area of international finance law,covering both public and private law dimensions andencompassing national, regional and internationalperspectives. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |