BRACTON AND HIS RELATION TO THE ROMAN LAW: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE HISTORY OF THE ROMAN LAW IN THE MIDDLE AGES.Guterbock, Carl; Coxe, BrintonItem #: 1365 Pages: x,182p. Published: Buffalo; Fred B. Rothman & Co.; 1999. Subjects: COMPARATIVE LAW, LEGAL HISTORY Bracton's relation to the Roman Law is one of the mostinteresting questions in historical jurisprudence. In this,as in other matters connected with the early history of theEnglish law, Bracton is the most important authority. Theperiod at which he wrote, his ability as a jurist, therichness of matter in his work, all combine to make itnecessary to exhaust the sources of knowledge to be derivedfrom him. An index and marginal notes have been added tothe translation, and the table of contents has beenenlarged. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |