TREATISE ON THE CIVIL LAWPlaniol, MarcelItem #: 13693 Pages: 3v. in 6 bks. Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 1959. Reprinted in 2005. Subjects: CIVIL PROCEDURE, COMPARATIVE LAW, FRENCH LAW This "A"-Rated work provides lawyers with a panoramic viewof the historical development and underlying philosophy onwhich Louisiana's Code was so largely based, and continuesto serve as a reliable guide for examining more extensiveor definitive authorities on particular subjects. TheEnglish translation of this invaluable work covers a vastarray of civil law topics, from general principles onpersons, the family, and property to specific issues such asproof, the law of obligations and contracts, specialcontracts, matrimonial property regimes, successions,testaments, and donations. The set also contains anall-inclusive, 110-page index.