URUGUAY ROUND AGREEMENTS ACT A LEGISLATIVE HISTORY OF PUBLIC LAW NO. 103-465Schultz, Jon S.; Reams, Bernard D. Jr. (Editors)Item #: 14184 Printed: 1995. Subjects: INTERNATIONAL LAW, LEGISLATIVE HISTORY, TRADE REGULATION Contains complete history of Senate and House documentsrelated to the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement onTariffs and Trade (GATT) accords. Includes Document Indexesvolume. For related material, see GATT Multilateral TradeNegotiations Uruguay Round (Item #14184), General Agreementon Tariffs and Trade: Basic Instruments and SelectedDocuments (Item #14184), and Uruguay Round of MultilateralTrade Negotiations (Item #14184). Distributed exclusively in Japan by Far Eastern Book-Sellers Please contact us to request purchasing information. |