VON SAVIGNY'S TREATISE ON POSSESSION; OR THE JUS POSSESSIONIS OF THE CIVIL LAWvon Savigny, Friedrich Carl; Perry, Sir ErskineItem #: 14380 Pages: xvi,432p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2002. Subjects: JURISPRUDENCE, PROPERTY, ROMAN LAW Treatise on the nature of the legal concept of possession bythe German jurist and scholar of Roman law, Friedrich Carlvon Savigny, a founder of the historical school ofjurisprudence, which opposed the natural school of thought.The only English translation of his work, and originallypublished in German in 1803, the book made Savigny'sreputation as a jurist of the first order. Walker, OxfordCompanion to Law 1103. Sweet and Maxwell, A LegalBibliography of the British Commonwealth of Nations I:316.Catalogue of the Library of the Law School of HarvardUniversity (1909) I:386.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |