CIVIL LAW AND THE CHURCH.Lincoln, Charles Z.Item #: 2047 Pages: 951p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2005. Subjects: COMPARATIVE LAW, RELIGION/THEOLOGY & THE LAW A powerful resource for students of church-state relations,this book is a detailed compilation of principle judicialdecisions rendered by the courts of Great Britain, Canadaand the United States that deal with questions relating toreligious matters, religious societies and civil matterswith religious aspects. Arranged by denomination and topic,it includes such chapters as "Arbitration", "Bible", "CivilCourts", "Deacons", "Jews", "Presbyterian Church","Salvation Army", "Sunday" and "Unitarians". With a tableof cases and a thorough index.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |