CIVIL LAW IN SPAIN AND SPANISH AMERICA INCLUDING CUBA, PUERTO RICO AND PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, AND THE SPANISH CIVIL CODE IN FORCE, ANNOTATED AND WITH REFERENCE TO THE CIVIL...Walton, Clifford StevensItem #: 2049 Pages: xix,672p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2003. Subjects: CIVIL PROCEDURE, COMPARATIVE LAW, LATIN AMERICAN LAW Spain has an extraordinarily rich legal history, one thatreflects Roman, Gothic, Arabic, Papal, Holy Roman and Frenchinfluences. It is equally notable for its innovative andprogressive nature. For example, it was the first nation toproduce a published commercial code. Aragon possessed andexercised a writ of habeas corpus during the medieval era.Medieval Spain also witnessed the invention of democraticprinciples that would form the basis of the Republic ofIceland, the Magna Charta and the American Declaration ofIndependence. And as the first great colonial power, Spainexported its legal ideas to the New World. This had aprofound influence on the history of most Latin Americannations and the Philippines....Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |