ADVICE ON THE STUDY AND PRACTICE OF THE LAW: WITH DIRECTIONS FOR THE CHOICE OF BOOKS, ADDRESSED TO ATTORNEY'S CLERKS.Wright, WilliamItem #: 227 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2003. Subjects: LEGAL PROFESSION Reprint of the third edition, enlarged. This book waswritten in the spirit of earlier guides by Fulbeck,Doderidge and Philips, but with a particular emphasis on theneeds of clerks. It addresses a clerk's duties, therelationship between clerks and attorneys, ways to work moreeffectively and other practical matters. Wright is alsointerested in the clerk's intellectual development. To thisend he recommends a rich curriculum of jurisprudential,political, historical and literary works and encourages thestudy of old court hands and Latin. Like his predecessors,Wright dispenses a good deal of moral advice as well.Equally fascinating and charming, this treatise offers arich perspective on English clerks during the age of Austen,Dickens and Trollope. Reprinted by Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |