COMPANY AND SECURITIES LAW JOURNALBaxt, Robert; Stapledon, Geof (Editors)Item #: 2408 Published: Rozelle NSW; LBC Information Services; Subjects: AUSTRALIAN LAW, BUSINESS/ECONOMICS, REGULATED INDUSTRIES This journal is well known for the excellence of itscoverage, with articles written by leading specialiests. Itprovides a clear and practical picture of a range ofsubjects of vital importance and interest to the Australianlegal business communities. The Journal has specialistssections, which focus on particular issues of company andsecurities law. Whether you are an accountant, companydirector, stockbroker of lawyer, there is a detailedcoverage to suite your information needs.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |