CONGRESS AND THE COURTS. A LEGISLATIVE HISTORY. 1787-2018Manz, William H.; Reams, Bernard D., Jr.; Haworth, Charles R.Item #: 2574 Subjects: LEGISLATIVE HISTORY Documents and materials regarding the creation, structure,and organization of the Federal Courts and the Federal Judiciary. Includes documents listed in A.A.L.S. Law BooksRecommended for Libraries. ISBN 978-0-8377-4114-7 - (v. 72 - Series II, 2018 Supplement: Congress and the Courts: A Legislative History 2016-2018) ISBN 978-0-8377-4042-3 - (v. 70-71) - Series II, 2016 Supplement: Congress and the Courts: A Legislative History 2013-2016) ISBN 978-0-8377-3964-9 - (v. 68-69) ISBN 978-0-8377-3917-5 - (v. 63-67) ISBN 978-0-8377-1806-4 - (v. 58-62) ISBN 0-89941-868-6 - (v. 23-52) ISBN 0-89941-812-0 - (v. 1-22 + (v. 1-6, Index, Supp.)