CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND A COURSE OF LECTURES DELIVEREDMaitland, Frederic William; Maitland, F.W.Item #: 2673 Pages: xxviii, 547 pp. Published: Cambridge; At the University Press; 1908. Reprinted in 2006. Subjects: LEGAL HISTORY, UNITED KINGDOM Contents This work, edited by H.A.L. Fisher, is a compilation oflectures given by noted legal history and Selden SocietyFounder Frederic W. Maitland during the 1887-1888 term atCambridge University. The lectures were part of coursestaught by the professor when he was appointed to theReadership in English Law. The exposition of elementaryconstitutional law by a consumate historian like Maitlandwill always draw great interest from legal historians andresearchers. Contains alphabetical subject Index andanalysis of five time periods in English history. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |