DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL LAW.Butler, Geoffrey G.; Maccoby, SimonItem #: 3427 Pages: xxxv,566p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2003. Series: CONTRIBUTIONS TO INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DIPLOMACY Subjects: INTERNATIONAL LAW, LEGAL HISTORY, POLITICAL SCIENCE Writing in the Yale Law Review, J.P. Bullington observesthat "the most striking feature about this work is themethod of treatment--quite the most effective which has yetbeen employed in dealing with the subject. Believing thatthe changes in international law have been the reflection ofchanges in political theory and practice of states, theauthor has divided his work into three major periods--theAge of the Prince, the Age of the Judge, and the Age of theConcert".Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |