EXPANSION OF THE COMMON LAW.Pollock, FrederickItem #: 4456 Pages: vii,164p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2001. Subjects: COMPARATIVE LAW, LEGAL HISTORY, UNITED KINGDOM The preface describes the work as "a rapid survey of a widefield." The book is also interesting for the essay "TheVocation of the Common Law" based on an address to theHarvard Law School Association, June 25, 1895, in which SirPollock calls for a reciprocal legal arrangement between thejudges of the United States and Great Britain when meritedby an important matter at hand. He compares the legalrelationship of Great Britain and the United States to thatof Great Britain and British India. With an appendix givinga summary view of Anglo-Saxon law before the NormanConquest.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |