EXTRAORDINARY BLACK BOOK: AN EXPOSITION OF ABUSES IN CHURCH AND STATE, COURTS OF LAW, REPRESENTATION, MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATE BODIES; WITH A PRECIS OF THE HOUSE OF ...Wade, JohnItem #: 4476 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2004. Subjects: RELIGION/THEOLOGY & THE LAW, UNITED KINGDOM Reprint of the final revised and expanded edition.Especially significant because it had a direct influence onlegislation, this "Bible of the Reformers" is a model ofinvestigatory pamphleteering in Great Britain into the causeof representative democracy. The long struggle to transformGreat Britain into a modern state was effected primarilythrough the gradual expansion of the electorate, which wasaccomplished through the Reform Acts of the nineteenth andtwentieth centuries. In the earlier era, as the growth ofindustry shook the traditional agrarian economy dominated bythe landholding aristocracy, the accompanying campaign totransform government by weaning power from traditional lociwas conducted through a mass of books, pamphlets, etc.Reprinted by Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |