GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL: ANNUAL REVIEW OF CRIMINAL PROCEDUREItem #: 5196 Subjects: CRIMINAL JUSTICE, CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE, CIVIL PROCEDURE The goal of the Annual Review is to provide an objective,concise, and accurate overview of criminal procedure in the federal courts by supplying references to and descriptions of current federal caselaw in each federal circuit and the Supreme Court in a format that is accessible to the greatest number of readers. Prior to the 32nd edition, the Annual Review was a part of Georgetown Law Journal. 1st-11th paper @ $45.00 each; 12th-20th paper @ $55.00 each; 21st-35th paper @ $65.00 each; 36th-37th paper @ $68.00 each; 38th-40th paper @ $78.00 each; 41st-49th paper @ $88.00 each. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |