GROWTH OF THE MANOR SECOND EDITIONVinogradoff, Sir PaulItem #: 5453 Pages: ix, 384 pp. Published: New York; The Macmillan Company; 1911. Reprinted in 2005. Subjects: PROPERTY, UNITED KINGDOM Reprint of the second, revised edition. One of theprincipal studies of the eminent legal scholar, it is a keywork for students of the Domesday book, early court rolls,extents and plea rolls. Vinogradoff sketches the nature ofland law in the generations before Domesday, then considersthe growth of the law during the feudal period. In a reviewof the first edition in the Law Quarterly Review. W. PaileyBaildon observed that scholars will read this book with"pleasure and advantage.": Law Quarterly Review 21:300cited in Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection at NewYork University (1953) 148.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc. Please contact us to request purchasing information. |