GUIDE TO STATE LEGISLATION, LEGISLATIVE HISTORY, AND ADMINISTRATIVE MATERIALSManz, William H.Item #: 5523 ISBN: 9780837716848 Pages: xii,612p. Published: Getzville; William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 2008. Series: AALL PUBLICATIONS SERIES Subjects: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, LIBRARIANSHIP, LEGISLATIVE HISTORY, STATE LAW AALL Publication Series No. 61(formerly titled Guide to State Legislativeand Administrative Materials 2002 ed.) From the preface:This guide brings together the major print and electronicsources of administrative and legislative information forthe 50 states, the District of Columbia and thecommonwealths and territories. The change in its contentssince the last edition reflected the transformation of theworld of legal information. The most notable change wasthe plethora of no-cost information available at law-relatedwebsites. The content of this edition has also been affectedby the development of Internet search engines; consequently,information more likely to be current at a website wasomitted. Subject:Librarianship