JURISPRUDENCE OF MEDICINE IN ITS RELATION TO THE LAW OF CONTRACTS, TORTS AND EVIDENCE: WITH A SUPPLEMENT ON THE LIABILITIES OF VENDORS OF DRUGSOrdronaux, JohnItem #: 57267 Pages: xvi, 310p. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2005. Subjects: MEDICAL LAW AND JURISPRUDENCE, PSYCHOLOGY/SOCIOLOGY, PSYCHIATRY, TORTS According to Kronick, this is the "first genuine work onmedical jurisprudence as distinguished from legal medicine."It contains four sections: Rights, Remedies and Liabilitiesof Physicians, with a subchapter on superintendents ofasylums for the insane; medical evidence, with a fullchapter on evidence in cases of alleged insanity; the ethicsof medicine; and the jurisprudence of pharmacy. A lawyerand physician who held chairs at Columbia Law School andDartmouth Medical School, Ordronaux also served as the firstNew York State commissioner for the mentally ill. Kronick,Landmark Books in Legal Medicine, 1981.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.