COMMENTARIES OF GAIUS AND RULES OF ULPIAN. 3RD EDITION.Abdy, J.T.; Walker, BryanItem #: 57868 Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2005. Subjects: LEGAL EDUCATION, LEGAL HISTORY, ROMAN LAW In Latin with a parallel English translation. The GaiiInstitutionum Juris Civilis Commentarii Quatuor, orInstitutes of Gaius, was compiled around 161 CE. It is adeeply influential elementary textbook on Roman private law.Well-arranged and clearly written, it was the standard text-book for the next 300 years. 1 of 5 authorities accepted byJustinian, it is the primary source of the Institutes. Itwas also the basis of Breviarium Alaricianum, or Lex RomanaVisigothorum. Gaius was a teacher and writer who probablylived in Rome. The Rules of Ulpian is a collection of legalrules attributed to Ulpian, considered to be the last greatclassical Roman jurist.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.