COMPARATIVE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW: AN ANALYSIS OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE SYSTEM, NATIONAL AND LOCAL, OF THE UNITED STATES, ENGLAND, FRANCE AND GERMANYGoodnow, Frank JohnsonItem #: 57914 ISBN: 9781584776 Pages: 2v. Published: Union; Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.; 2005. Subjects: ADMINISTRATIVE LAW, COMPARATIVE LAW Reprint of the first edition. Volume I: Organization.Volume II: Legal Relations. Referring to this book in OneHundred Years of Administratie Law (1937), Arthur Vanderbiltwrote that "Goodnow was the first to perceive the peculiarsignificance for the study of administrative law of thecomparative method as applied to the administrative systemsof France, Germany, England and the United States, which,although involving common problems, also present sharpcontrasts at many vital points" (I:120-121). A member of theColumbia faculty, Goodnow was the first individual in theUnited States to hold a professorship in administrative law.Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd.Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.