HISTORICAL ESSAY ON THE MAGNA CHARTA OF KING JOHN TO WHICH ARE ADDED, THE GREAT CHARTER IN LATIN AND ENGLISH, THE CHARTERS OF LIBERTIESThomson, RichardItem #: 5818 Pages: xxxii, 612 pp. Published: London; John Major and Robert Jennings; 1829. Reprinted in 2000. Subjects: LEGAL HISTORY, UNITED KINGDOM Contains the text of John charter, with a translation; also translations of the articles of the barons, the forest charter, and the confirmations of Henry III and Edward I with elaborate notes, based largely on Coke's Second Institute. This is one of the 'standard' works on the great Charter...Gross, The Sources and Literature of English History from the Earliest Times to about 1485 2019. Each page is bordered with an elaborate "embellishment"...Marke,A Catalogue of the Law Collection of New York University(1953) 369. Reprinted by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. Distributed by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.