HISTORY OF FRENCH PRIVATE LAWBrissaud, Jean B.Item #: 5857 Published: Boston; Little, Brown & Co.; 1912. Reprinted in 1999. Series: CONTINENTAL LEGAL HISTORY SERIES Subjects: FOREIGN LAW, FRENCH LAW Translated from the Second French Edition by Rapelje Howellwith introductions by W.S. Holdsworth and John H. Wigmore.Published under the auspices of the Association of AmericanLaw Schools. Those who study this volume and v. 1 and 9 ofthis (Continental Legal History) series, which contains thetranslation of the part of M. Brissaud's book dealing withsources and public law, will possess an entirely adequateaccount of the development of French law.v. 3 includes 1 (diazo 24X) microfiche, containing a map.Reprinted by Fred B. Rothman & Co.; 1969Second Printing by William S. Hein & Co., Inc.; 1999 Please contact us to request purchasing information. |